My mother feel very sad, she is crying when she look her brother sick. My mother said to me, she very love her brother. It is because my uncle is the person who take care my mother's family when my grandfather (my mother's father)died. My grandfather was died when my mother only 3 years old.My grandmother is a rubber tapper. Her monthly income was not sufficient to support her family. At that time my uncle(Pak Lang) was 13 years old, he take the responsibility, leave school and start to work. My uncle collect a firewood and sold it. My uncle also do other work in order to help my grandmother to support their family.
After 2 weeks in hospital, my uncle have passed away (13/12/2010). We hope he go in peace. InsyaAllah we will always pray for you.
-remove the tumour
-kalo ada colon CA,ada obstruction dkt, xleh bg makan @ minum sbb nnt bleh menerukkan lagi obstruction 2..huhu.
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